verse of the day

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Consequences [Hebrews 9 v 27 ]

Yesterday we considered sin, following on in this theme, I want to us to think on sins consequences, for the world and us as individuals.Consider every war, every conflict, every adultery,every criminal act,every sexual abuse, every wrong thought, and so on, all these are the consequences of sin, we who are sinners sin.The further consequences of sin is ,seperation from a Holy God, if sin remains unforgiven, this seperation continues after we die.[Luke 16 v 19-31 ], Hell is not something we have made up, it is not something I like speaking on, but as a preacher I must be faithful to my calling, Hell is not something just to scare us, it is a reality, it is a possiblity for all those who continue on in their sin, sin unforgiven will be judged, I am only the messenger, only a sinner saved by Gods grace, I did not invent Hell, I believe it to be a reality.[ Dear God help us to see sin for what it is, and help us to see that You will judge our sin, for You are Holy, in Jesus name we ask this Amen ]

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