verse of the day

Monday 25 May 2009

God the helper [ Psalm 121 ]

I preached twice yesterday in two local churches and God helped, I have been preaching for over forty years, but it still is a challenge, but here is the simple truth , God helps. Psalm 46 v 1, tell us that,/God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble,/whatever you may have to face today, divorce, unemployment, illness, remember God is a helper.As I look back I remember so many times in which God helped me, financially,and in many other ways, His help has not dried up,whither it is preaching a sermon, or coping with some problem,He is still there help. So today dont despair call upon Him in your need, and He will help you,ask Him to help you ,in the simple things, and the big things. [ O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be our defence while life shall last, and our eternal home ,in Jesus name we ask this Amen ] [ The words of the prayer are by Issac Watts ]

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