verse of the day

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Waiting [ Psalm 40]

Without exception when people turn on their P. C. they become impatient, they speak to it, raining down cursing on it,pleading with it ,the waiting game. The fact of the matter is we do not like waiting, When I was young I used to ask my mum, is the dinner ready yet , she would reply , its in the hottest place in the house, the waiting game. In our relationship with the Lord waiting is an important lesson we have to learn, we must take it very serious, the first king of Israel, failed to wait, he acted presumptuously[1 Samuel13], and paid a price for it, likewise Abraham [ Genesis 16 ]. God wants us to learn the lesson of trusting Him, believeing in Him and His word, and when we do this we glorify Him. [ Father forgive my impatience , forgive me when I run ahead of you, when I should be waiting for you to act, give me the grace of waiting on you to move , and for me to move when you say, in Jesus name I ask this, Amen]

1 comment:

john heasley said...

The computer has been so slow all day, it has been getting on my nerves, I think I am still learning patience.