verse of the day

Friday 4 April 2008

Shine [ Matthew 5v 14-16.]

I heard these words sung on an advert, This little light of mine im going to let it shine, this reminds me of what our Saviour said, that we are to be light [Matthew 5v14], we are meant to shine, He did not call us to live in isolation, but to affect others with our lives. As a leader in a local church my responsiblity is to minister into the lives of those Christians who attend, that they be equipped to shine effectively. This world is a dark place it needs more than ever ,for all of us to shine, so were ever God has placed you ,shine, pray that Christ may be seen in you, in all that you do, and say. [ Father help us to shine, may our lives so manifest your glory, that others will be drawn to Jesus, Amen.]

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