verse of the day

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Moody [2 Corinthians 4 ]

We are creatures of our moods, some days we get up , and we are like a bear with a sore head, it was Joyce Meyer, who said sometimes she felt like slapping someone. Now we are all different , God made us that way, there are those who appear always to be in a good mood, but most of us have our bad mood moments. So what do we do? , talk to God about it in an honest way, and ask Him to help you. Ask Him to keep control of you, by His Spirit, hang in there, it will pass, your mood will change for the better, remember always ,Jesus loves you, yes He does, even when you are in a bad mood. [ Father we wish that we were always in a good mood, but the reality is not so, forgive us and help us in all our weaknesses, in Jesus name we ask this , Amen.]

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