verse of the day

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Security blanket.[Matthew 7v25-34]

In the Charlie Brown cartoon script , one of the characters Linus, has a security blanket, were ever he goes the security blanket went with him. Here is the question, do you have a security blanket? I raise this idea, because I know how feelings of insecurity , can overtake us , not just for ourselves but for our famlies, what if , fills our thoughts,so today let us let go of our security blanket, and focus on our true security, Psalm 27v1, tells us,The Lord is my light and my salvation-so why shoud I be afraid, The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble. Whatever you are facing today, real or imaginary, let the Lord be your security, He is better than any old security blanket. [Father in the midst of life with all its uncertainties help us to remember ,we are your children, that you are our loving heavenly Father, and you will care for us, in Jesus name we pray this, Amen.]

1 comment:

john heasley said...

Needed that Dad, trying to completely rely on Him at the moment as you know. Thanks