verse of the day

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Dreams. [Proverbs 13v12 ]

Here is a thought for today, [Dont live in your dreams live within your means], so many of us make the mistake of letting our dreams take over us, and this can get us into all sorts of trouble.This is a lesson I have had to learn, I am not saying one should not have dreams, in fact we should have, the whole of history has been changed by people who have had dreams.Dont let anyone rob you of your dream, pray about it, work towards it, have faith in God to fulfill it. If it is of God it will happen, it may take time , but Gods timing is perfect. I suppose the dream in my thought for the day, is in relation to acting in a way that is not helpful, we dream of material things we get into debt, we need to be wise in all aspects of our lives.[ Father in your mercy help us to follow are dreams, and help us, to be responsible in our desire for our dreams to be fulfilled, in Jesus name we ask this. Amen.]

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