verse of the day

Sunday 20 April 2008

A BIT SEVERE.[Matthew 18 v7-9 ]

Go on pamper yourself, have that cream cake , buy that item of clothing,you deserve it, im sure there are times, we do deserve it. The only thing about this mentality it can take over , it becomes a mind set, I remember my dear mum, speaking about smoking, that it was the only pleasure she had, she died of cancer. There are pleasures we need to forego, the bible speaks about the pleasures of sin, [Hebrews 11v2] ,my translation reads ,the fleeting pleasures of sin, sin never completly satisfies, and of course it can have devastating affects on our lives. Alright pamper yourself occasionally, but be careful .[ Father gives us Grace to live lives that will glorify You, to keep our desires under control, and were we need to be severe , and deney ourselves, help us , in Jesus name. Amen.]

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