verse of the day

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Not a comparison site. ( Romans 12 v 1 -8)

 When I need to insure my car,or my house I go on a comparison site,that's fair enough. When a new manager of a football takes over from a successful manager,his performance will be judged by the past manager's performance. Sometimes people come out of a family with a bad reputation and they are compared to that family . Salvation is not a comparison  site,there are people who compare themselves with others,they actually think that Christianity is for goody,goodies,not realising that every Christian is a sinner saved by grace and that has transformed their lives.Of course every Christian is a work in progress, yes there are no perfect people in the church of Christ.We are all different and even as Christians we must not compare ourselves to other Christians,we must keep our eyes of  people,we must not be overwhelmed by others,because they are more gifted that you or me.If we do that we could so easily be afraid to accomplish anything,or do anything.God has given all his Children gifts ,don't be afraid to use them,or even be ashamed of them.I read daily devotions and they often bless me,but they do not intimidate me from writing this blog, God  has given us different gifts for doing certain things well (Romans 12 v 6),if you step outside your gift,you will be a square peg in a round hole,it is John Stott who says the following .' We must avoid  both to high  an estimate  of ourselves and Paul might have added too low an estimate'.( Rom 12 v 3)

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