verse of the day

Saturday 20 April 2024

Easy street. (Hebrews 12 v 1 - 13 )

 Someone said ,'When things are easy the Christian tends to stray from the path, whereas trouble sends him back to the word,of God'. Someone put this heading over  Deuteronomy 8, 'Do not forget the Lord'. Israel was about to enter the promised land,God had brought them through so much, He had delivered them from the Egyptians who had oppressed them and made them slaves. In spite of what God did Israel was not always faithful but God remained  faithful ,now the promised land lay ahead, As they were about to enter the land God spoke to them .He said when you possess the land, they were to obey His commands,and if they did they would prosper. We all want prosperity,but God knows the the human heart,so He tells them, 'Do not forget the Lord your God , and all that,that meant.They must not forget that their prosperity comes from God, their history,shows clearly they did forget ( Jeremiah 2 v11ff) Consider the lives of two godly people,David and Solomon,David was now king ,God had delivered him from so much,things were easier,but he strayed from the path of righteousness in a big way(2 Samuel 11)Then Solomon ,he was abundantly blessed but what do we read, he turned to false god's,(1 Kings 11).If you are on easy street remember it is so easy to take ones eyes of God  and stray from our Saviour. For Israel it had consequences,likewise for David and Solomon,and for all who stray from the path,God will deal with you, yes He  loves you,but remember whom He loveth He disciplines.

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