verse of the day

Saturday 13 April 2024

No escape. (Genesis 2 v 16 -17.)

We live in different times than our forefathers,there have advances in medical care,the result is people living longer,It wasn't always so ,there was a high degree of child mortality,in the 17th century 400 out of a 1000 did not live to their first year,there were so things that could kill children. Of course there so many thing that kill people,medical science had not advanced much until the 20th century,As I go on life I  am amazed at the wonderful treatment that their is for fighting sickness now,for which we praise God.Yet there is one thing medical science can't do, is defeat death,they can prolong life,but that's all. Mankind has never come to terms with death, one person wrote as regards the aftermath of death the effects are often, rage and sorrow,and loss ,We cannot change it,often we cannot come to terms with it,So what can we say that may help? .I think of what King David wrote in the 23rd regards the valley of the shadow of death ,he would fear no evil for the good shepherd was with him.I think  one could broaden that out,as regards those Christians who have lost love ones, and its aftermath. It is like going through a dark valley,  it is very dark , butut hear is the good news ,in that valley of darkness there is one with you,even Jesus,He alone knows what you are going through,and He just asks one think of you,trust,yes trust Him,He will bring you through,The scripture tells us,' Weeping may endure for a night,but joy comes in the morning'.  (Psalm 30 v 9)

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