verse of the day

Monday 18 December 2023

I want.( Acts 26 v 19 )

The Rolling Stones sung a song with the following words,

                                                        'You can't always get what you want

                                                        You can't  always get what you want

                                                         You can't always get  what you want '


If you think about it ,that's true,I read of a famous person who was in love with a certain girl,she appeared so lovely,and he wanted her,but it didn't happen.Years later he saw this lovely girl,and he was glad he didn't get her. A child going round the supermarket with his mother wants a lot of things but the mother says no. As a Christian of many years I have discovered that God does not always give me what  I want, and I'm thankful for that,He is all wise,and all loving,and He has to protect me from myself.I know a couple and they wanted to be missionaries,they did everything they could to achieve that goal,but it didn't happen, they didn't get what they wanted,it boils down to this, is it our will  ,or God's will that matters?, and of course it is God's will that matters, every time.If we step out of the will of God then we are in trouble,we are disobedient,the will of God must be the priority in all our lives.

                                           'May our prayer every day be',not my will but yours,Father'

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