verse of the day

Saturday 9 December 2023

Freedom. ( Luke 4 v 16-19 )

I have a home mini google,I asked for some information which it gave me,  and just for a joke I said,''Thank you'',and the answer I got back ,was,'' I'm honoured to serve''.Don't worry I know it's was  just a machine talking,I wonder how you feel as regards serving people?. Do you feel it is an honour?, One may think it is an honour to serve a king ,or a Queen,or someone important, but here's the thing ,in God's eyes everyone is important,sad it is that so many people serve the devil,well if you do I can assure you he will not  honour you,but instead he will destroy you,make no mistake about it,he is a hard taskmaster ,and those who are in his employment ,sad to say and there are so many doing his bidding. In 1 John 5 v 19,we read,'That the whole world is under the control of the evil one'.There was a moment in Americas history  a wonderful thing was during the civil war,and one of  reasons for that war,was slavery,'President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, It read,'That all persons held as slaves' ........''are, and henceforward shall be free.'' What a wonderful thing for those dear people who had been in bondage ,often serving wicked and abusive owners .They had no rights,no say in anything ,  children could be taken of them,so many wrong things,but now they were free.Then let me take you to that moment in history when Jesus died on a cross,that we can be free,from  Satan,and sins power,yes it is true.

                                                        Here that cry from the cross


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