verse of the day

Thursday 22 June 2023

Providence.( Genesis 50 v 15 -17)

Spurgeon writing of his call to a particular Church wrote,''The call was providential, not of his solicitation'',I  am convinced that Christians do not think enough on the providence of God .I have always found it a great source of comfort, one could write a book on it ,many have. Looking back I see Gods hand in all the affairs of my life,the disappointments ,but also God's intervening in so many situations,and it will never cease. For the unsaved life can appear very fearful, the world appears to be out of control,awful things are happening, but for the Christian  there is the great comfort in the knowledge that God rules and overrules.So what about the suffering that Christians experience?,well we have plenty of that in the scriptures,and we have plenty of that in life. Consider the life of Joseph,the cruelty and the injustice he experienced, it had a very happy ending,but it is not always the case for the followers of the our blessed Saviour. In Exodus 3 ,we read of God calling a reluctant Moses to go into Egypt to bring his people out,and in v 12 He says,''I will be with you''. R.Davis writes,''Basically , God has nothing else or more to offer you.You can go through a lot with that promise,it does not answer your questions about details. It only provides the essential. Nothing about when or how or why. Only the what,or better the Who. 'But I will be with you'. And that is enough.'

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