verse of the day

Friday 16 June 2023

Grace ( Luke 15 v 1 1 -32 )

I wonder do we underestimate God's grace? I think I do,there are people who do awful things to children,everyday people are doing awful things.I read about a certain American pastor who had the task of ministering to those being tried in Nuremberg,they were the top Nazis leaders.They were responsible for so much evil,the Pastor wrote later how some of those people did respond to the message of the gospel. there were those who resented that ,believing that those people should  know nothing of God's grace and mercy.There were people who wrote abusive letters to that Pastor calling him a Jew hater. They felt that in no way they should be saved and go to heaven. Could be that many of us are like the prodigals older brother.(Luke 15 v 25 -30),we sing ,'Amazing grace that saved a wretch  like me',but yet we limit that grace and even resent it,when a person is known as being really wicked experiences that grace.May God help us to understand that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,no matter how dreadful a sinner they are, let us pray to that end,and let us remember that grace is not something we deserve, but something we need.

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