verse of the day

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Going against the stream. ( Acts 5 v 29 )

 It is so easy for us to go along with the crowd,because we feel intimated ,or because we just want to be part of the gang,want to feel accepted. I know of people who have done that,and they have got into trouble,I remember walking to school with a friend,and he influenced me to join him in picking on a young  lad,I still regret that.Think about the salmon,after they are born they swim out to sea,but it comes to the time to lay their eggs they come back to where they were born.That means they have  to swim against the stream,some don't make it because they are eaten by bears. It is like the Christian life it entails going against the stream.Daniel went against the stream and was thrown unto a den of lions,his three friends did the same and they were thrown into a fiery furnace,ten of the twelve apostles suffered violent deaths,why?,because they went against the stream. In order to bring salvation to humanity our dear Saviour had to go against the steam.Today He says to all those who are His,follow me, go against the stream..

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