verse of the day

Sunday 18 June 2023

A perfect Saviour. ( Hebrews 7 v 25 )

One of the most well known characters in the book of Judges is Samson ,Hollywood even made a movie about him He is remembered for his great strength .We read about him in chapters  13- 16 of Judges, chapter 13 starts with a recurring theme of Judges ,'Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord,so the Lord delivered  then the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines for 40yrs.' There is no record of  the people repenting and turning to God for deliverance.,but that didn't stop God moving on their behalf,for better or worse they were His people.I remember a lecturer at Bible college telling us a about a liberal church,were God moved in revival .Israel needed a saviour a deliver ,a revival,that's were Samson comes in, a man endued with great strength from God, but a man with great weakness'es, weakness'es that would cost him  his sight and his life. It is interesting that he is mentioned  as one of the great hero's of faith ( Hebrews 11 v 32 ). We are told that Samson would begin to deliver Israel,the full deliverance would not some until the reign of David.Samson would be an imperfect saviour, but one  day long after Samson had died,God would send a perfect Saviour, to save not only and imperfect Israel but an imperfect world. His name is Jesus ,He saves sinners from eternal death,sin, and the punishment and misery of sin in other words He saves to the uttermost,or completely.  

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