verse of the day

Monday 23 May 2022

The dark dark side. ( 1 John 1 v 7 )

 Someone said ,' Everyone is a moon.we all have a dark side',yes even me,and it's good to remember that,the question how do we overcome the dark side?. These words should not surprise us,someone I know  found out that a relative was looking at pornography.The dark side involves many things,the very name,'the dark side',says it all, whither its pornography, or whatever,it is something that is not helpful nor healthy.There is a point were we realise that we are addicted to it,we no longer control it, it controls us,we have made a prison of our own making, and who knows were it will take us, and make us do things we shouldn't. In John 5  we read of a man who had been an invalid for 38years, whom Jesus cured,Jesus said to him,'Sop sinning, or something worse may happen to you'. To me, and to some commentators it appears his affliction had come about as a direct consequences of some particular sin he was involved in. Our dark side may not cause us to become ill,but dark side behaviour ,will  affect us in so many different painful ways, that can cause us very serious harm, and the more we continue in them,as Jesus points out,' something worse will happen to us'. This man met the Lord Jesus and he was rescued from his awful sickness, but the question is ,would he blow it,and keep on walking in the dark side ?. Christ declared that he had come to set us free,we all have a choice ,what is yours going to be?

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