verse of the day

Sunday 1 May 2022

He will not fail you. ( Psalm 27 )

King David was in exile in the land of the Philistines,King Saul been hunting David to kill him,time after time he had escaped his clutches,but there came a time when David had,had enough,and he thought to himself, 'One of these days I shall be destroyed by the hand of  Saul.The best thing I can do  is to escape to the Land of the Philistines' 1 Samuel 27 v 1.While in the land of the Philistines he and his six hundred men,plus women and children lived in a town called Ziklag. During that time he and His men were away from their family, when they returned to their horror Amalekites had raided Ziklag, they burned  it down,took all the women and children captive,and went on their way.This seemed to be the last straw ,it caused them great sorrow, but Davids men also felt great bitterness towards him, and talked about stoning him. What do you do when you are face with such a situation?.The first thing David did was,'he encouraged himself in the Lord his God 1 Sam 30 v 6.then he inquired of the Lord what he should do.v 8.and the Lord told him what to do.This he did,and rescued all the wives and children.These are written for our learning, if you are in difficulties even great difficulties,encourage yourself in the Lord, and ask Him what you are to do,. He will not fail you.

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