verse of the day

Monday 21 December 2020

Have you made a will yet ? ( 2 Corinthians 6 v 2 )

The famous novelist Agatha Christie writing in one of  her books, of a rich elderly woman who died, and had not made a will. the lawyer a Mr  Seddon dealing with her affairs comments,'' Mrs  Welman always meant to make a will, but  tomorrow was always a better day to make  it than today, she kept telling  herself that there was plenty of time'' It is called procrastination , here are other words for procrastination , dally, dawdle, delay. lag, loiter. no matter what they are called, they simple mean  putting of  till  tomorrow, what should be done today. Most wives know all about this, they remind their dear husbands  of  jobs to be done, only to be told,'' I will do it tomorrow'', and of course , tomorrow never comes. Now on a more serious note ,if you read my blog regularly, you know how often  I have stressed the importance of trusting Jesus . I do this because, I love you, and  I know the consequences of  dying without Christ , for  God's word tells us that after the death the judgement ( Hebrews 9 v  27 ). Yes  judgement  ,if  you have not trusted Jesus to be your Saviour  and asked him to forgive you, your sins,  you will go a lost eternity, Christ the Saviour  will be your judge and He will  say to you, ''Depart from me, you who are cursed; into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his  angels''  ( Matthew  25 v 41 ). Can you blame me for trying to warn you of the importance of trusting Jesus now, please , ask Jesus to be your Saviour now, before it is to late.

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