verse of the day

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Why pray? [James 5 v17- 18]

 Why pray? a good question,after all Gods knows,that's true,often we don't know what to pray,maybe you can add a lot more to the thought ,why pray?.Why pray?,because we are told to by our Lord,not only are we told to pray,but we are told not to give up praying[Luke 18v1].He also gave us a pattern as to how we should pray[Matthew 6v6-13],also we who follow
Jesus can and should follow His example,in that He prayed.We need to appreciate that prayer is not just about asking,it should be a time of talking as a man speaks with a friend[Exodus 33 v11],but of course we are speaking to God, who is to be reverenced,for He is God.We often sing that old hymn ,''What a friend we have in Jesus'',well He is our friend ,[John 15 v14],so talk to Him as a friend. Be honest with Him,tell Him how you feel,
always remember when it comes to prayer,honesty is the best policy.Yet prayer is about making our requests knowing unto God,some people feel they should not ask God for anything,wrong we should,because Jesus said we should [Matthew 7 v7].Will it make any difference if I don't pray?,
yes it will,''William Temple is reputed to have said, ''When,I pray,
coincidences happen,and when I don't they don't'',so pray.

                          What various hindrances we meet
                          in coming to the mercy seat,
                          Yet who,that knows the worth
                          of prayer,
                          But wishes to be often there.

                          Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw,
                          Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw;
                          Gives exercise to faith and love,
                          Brings every blessing from above.

                          Restraining prayer ,we cease to fight;
                          Prayer makes the Christian's armour bright:
                          And Satan trembles when he sees
                          The weakest Christian on his knees.
                              [Words by William Cowper]

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