verse of the day

Friday, 5 August 2016

Nothing but the truth. [ Psalm 119 v 104-105 ]

When Pope Nicholas 5th was on his death bed  he summoned his cardinals,he told them that loyalty of the 'uncultured masses' of believers was best obtained through giving them 'something that appeals to the eye'. Ideas and theology carried little weight ;a popular faith'sustained only on doctrines',he assured them, would' never be anything but feeble and vacillating. Of course he being the infallible one,his successors took up what he said as from God,the result the Vatican,and the Sistine chapel.On a recent holiday in Malta,I visited the cathedral in the capital,and was struck by the dazzeling grandure of that building.I have visited many cathedrals in England and in contrast to the cathedral in Malta,they are bare places.It goes back of course to the reformation,when the emphasise was the truth, that were taught in the word of God.The fact is, dazzeling building are but dazzeling buildings,it is the truth that we find in Gods word, that ,and that alone is what is vital.The result of following pope Nicholas teaching,has caused the church of Rome to loosen their grip on Gods truth.When it comes to my faith ,I want the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth,and I will only find that in Gods word.
                                           A  prayer.
Dear God tear away from your church all that weakens our faith in your word in Jesus name Amen.

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