verse of the day

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Prayer counts. [ Psalm 27 v8 ]

I read these words recently penned by the late Selwyn Hughes,''Your prayers count more than you think''. I often people speak of prayer,like it may work,like  the proverbial rabbits foot.Then we look out into the world,
and think can my prayers really make any difference.Or we look at certain
situations and feel nothing can effect,or change it,even though we pray .Take hold of those words by Selwyn Hughes,our prayers count more than you think,this is the word for us all today,believe it,and keep praying.One of my grandsons ,who has no qualifications ,and has found it difficult to find employment,applied to a university,and was accepted,an answer to prayer,for I, and his parents have been praying a long time for him ,but then the university  said they where concerned that he had no qualifications.So I prayed and prayed,so did his parents,and I am sure he did,and God answered prayer,for it has been confirmed that he has a place.
Remember what I wrote in an earlier blog,''When we pray coincidences
happen,when we don't pray,they dont''.
                                         A  prayer.
Dear God help us to not limit the importance of prayer,and the power of prayer,in Jesus name we ask this Amen

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