verse of the day

Saturday 26 April 2014

I am Christian,not a......[ John 14 v6]

There they where two nice young lads,I was working and as they approached me I had no time to talk to them,all I could say was ,I am a Christian I am not a Mormon. Now I was not meaning to be rude, or unkind, but even those young men may not see the difference,they may in all sincerity believe they are  Christians,but they are not.To be Christian one must keep ones beliefs within the confines of the Bible,contrary to what the Mormons believe,the Bible and only the Bible is the word of God. For the Mormon they may give a token recognition to the Bible, but their faith is in what the book of Mormon teaches,God is seen as having a body,Christ is seen as having been married ,and had children., and was not conceived by the Holy Spirit. One of the bazaar teaching is that Christ is related to Lucifer,trying to understand Mormonisim is to say the least difficult,it can be best described as a religion that has gathered its teaching from many places but not from the Bible, like our Lord, said of a certain religious group in His day,they do err not knowing the scriptures [ Matthew 22v 29]
A  prayer....../ Dear God help people to come to a true knowledge of Your Son ,deliver those who have been ensnared by error,in Jesus name we ask this Amen ]
I will return to my Blog Monday, God Bless /

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