verse of the day

Friday 14 October 2011

Pray for all men.. [1 Timothy 2 v1 ]

I was at my dentist this morning, just for a check up and the dreaded cleaning,the reception called my name, and said would you like to go up, I replied not really.I dont like going up to the dentist, because I know I will experience pain, and who likes pain, and whats more we have to pay them, I think they should be paying us. All joking aside I thank God for my dentist, she is a nice lady, and she does a good job, I wonder how many of us neglect to pray for dentist, doctors, nurses, firemen ,police ,teachers, social workers, and yes, even traffic wardens. They all do important service for all of us, and without them we would all be in difficulties, so let us offer up a prayer for them.
A prayer /Dear God we thank You for those people who serve us in specialist way, bless them we pray, in Jesus name. Amen./
[I will return to my blog on Monday every blessing]

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