verse of the day

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Dont despair. [ Romans 4 v 16 - 21 ]

Lets be honest and we need to be,we dont always rise in faith, when it comes to certain problems, that just will not go away, we pray, and pray, and we even have a promise from God. Well it is not something new , one just has to read the lives of Abraham and Sarah, instead of waiting on God , they ended up with the wrong child, Ishmael, born not to Sarah, but to Hagar. [ Genesis 16 ] Inspite of this the promise still stood, mankind cannot thwart the purposes of a sovereign God,the promise will and must be fulfilled.Later on God again tells both Abraham and Sarah that they are going to have that promised child ,wonderful ,but both Abraham, and Sarah laughed [Genesis 17v17/ 18v12 ]. Here is what God said,/ And the Lord said........Is any thing too hard for the Lord?/, and so it came to pass [Genesis 21 v1 ] Whatever the difficulties we may have, no matter how big the problem, if God has promised you whatever it will happen, God cannot lie, He will fulfill His word. Let us not be too hard on Sarah or Abraham, for in the end they won through by faith, and recieved the reward . [ Romans 4 v16-21 / Hebrews 11v11 ]
God can do anything, anything, anything,
God can do anything but fail.
[Ira F. Stanphill ]
A prayer / Dear God help us to discern Your will clearly, guide us by Your Spirit, and Your word , in Jesus name . Amen .

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