verse of the day

Thursday 20 October 2011

Amazing. [ Romans 5 v6- 11 ]

I heard on the radio two things that are shocking, in China a two year old child is run over by a car,a hit and run incident,thats very sad, but whats even worse 16 people were filmed walking by the child,and she was run over again. She survived and was taken to hospital seriousally injured,many Chinese are shocked and asking serious questions, about their society, and rightly so. The next thing that I heard was,Texas that wonderful state in America, is were the most abused children in the world die, I am sure many people of this state are shocked, one hopes so. When people ignor the vunerable who are injured , and being hurt, or when they are part of it ,then there is something seriousally wrong ,with such people. Yet here is the most amazing thing, God so loved this world He gave His son to die for it,amazing love, amazing grace, amazing God.
A prayer. Dear God we trully are amazed at the love that drew salvation plan, the grace that brought it down to man ,the mighty gulf that You did span at Calvary. Amen.

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