verse of the day

Friday 13 February 2009

Im not the man I used to be[ Romans 12 v 1-2 ]

Im not the man I used to be, but am I better man? , one likes to think so, in Romans 12 v2 we read,/Dont copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think/.I find the words, /let God/, interesting, as one who believes in the sovereignty of God, that here ,as Selwyn Hughes writes,/ because of the great respect God has for every human will, He will not force Himself upon us/. Let God, it seems an absurd thing to say, let us face up to what that means, and do it, let us yield to God, by changing the way we think, if we do we will be better people. As we read of the history of Israel in the wilderness, how continually they manifested stubbornness, if only, if only,they had changed the way they thought they would have got where they were going sooner. If only we would let God change the way we think, things would be so different in our churches , families,and in our individual lives, if only.[ Father in Heaven, we confess our stubbornness, our reluctance to change the way we think, help us to see that if we let You change the way we think , we would be better people, help us to submit to You, we ask this in our Saviours name , Amen ]

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