verse of the day

Tuesday 3 February 2009

God is speaking, are we listening?. [Matthew 6 v 25 - 34 ]

I still enjoy fairy tales, well on the big screen ,think of the Beauty and the Beast, were a repulsive creature is transformed by love, apply this to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,and how we can be transformed by the love of God. Or think of Snow White lying in that glass coffin dead, suddenly brought to life by a kiss from her prince,consider how we who were dead in trespasses and sin, have recieved the kiss of life, from Jesus. So many things in life we see can be used ,to apply spiritual truths, so many situations, if we have eyes to see , can prompt us to think of deeper truths, articles in the paper, news events , ask yourself what is God saying, be it in a tradgedy, or a triumph, ask God to open your eyes, and ears, to what He is saying.[ Dear God forgive us for our spiritual dullness, help to be alert to what you are saying,in what we observe all around us, we know You are speaking, help us to listen , in Jesus name we ask this Amen ]

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