verse of the day

Sunday 14 September 2008

The underdog [1 Corinthians 1 v18 -31 ]

I watched the movie Rocky Balboa, and enjoyed it, to me the Rocky movies are not so much about boxing, [lets face it if he took that much punishment he would not have survived ] it is about the underdog, the nobody, the uneducated, the downtrodden. Hollywood is good at this kind of movie, they are experts at what will be a success, they know that many people see themselves as the underdog, so they play into that emotion. I came from a broken family, my educational attainmets where low, the only employment for me were jobs with poor money and poor prospects, in so many ways I was the underdog. The Bible is a wonderful book , for it continually tells us that with Christ in our lives we are transformed, from being nobodies to being somebodies, [ C P. 1 John 3 v 1. av ] it tells us that God can even use us in the most wonderful ways , it tells us God can promote us, and make us a blessing to others. [ Father we praise You for your indiscriminate love, a love that embraces all, even the nobodies, a love that comes to us through your Son Jesus , Amen]

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