verse of the day

Tuesday 30 September 2008

He is not finished yet. [ Philippians 1 v6 ]

No ones perfect, and that is true, but God has a vision for every one of His children, perfection, when He saves us, he sees us as we are, filled with hang ups, bad attitudes . When the prophet Isaiah had a vision of God [chap 6 ] he declared, /I am a sinful man , I have filthy lips, and I live among a people of filthy lips/. He saw his and others inperfections ,but God was not finished with him or Israel, He was the potter they were the clay, He would perfect that which concerneth them [Isaiah 64 v8 ]. So it is with all His children ,God is in the business of making us all like Jesus, for all of us this is a difficult process, but God will not listen to our complaints, He knows what needs to be done, He will perfect that which concerneth us, so dont give up on yourself or others remember He is not finished yet , with any of us.[ Father often we despair at our failures and faults, help us to trust You, to perfect that which concerneth us, in Jesus name we ask this . Amen ]

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