verse of the day

Wednesday 24 September 2008

A promise [ 2 Peter 1 v 4. av ]

I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of, so reads the words on a twenty pound note, all of us expect this promise to be kept, and hopefully it will be. We have all made promises to our children, and to others, a brother in the Lord whom I met on holiday, said he would phone me in two weeks time ,he didnt keep his promise. Now I know it is easy to promise something, and so easy to forget, the fact of the matter we cannot always keep our promises, although I think we should try. When God makes a promise He always keeps it, His honour would be affected if He didnt, let me say when God gives us a promise He will keep it , so have confidence on what God has promised to you personally. [ Dear God thank you for the promises you have given to us in your word, for salvation, guidance , provision, protection, and many others, grant us the faith to believe them, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen .]

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