verse of the day

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Driven or led.[ Psalm 23 ]

We know the term, he was a driven man, many of us know this term, because often it seems that many of us are driven people. Recently I was rushing trying to keep an appointment,feeling a bit anixious,, and I thought,the Lord is not driving me, He leads.Are you a driven person or a led person? it is an important question, a driven person will become frustrated,a led person will experience peace. The led person will trust in the one who is leading, to navigate through the circumstances of this day, they will know the peace of God, that passeth all understanding, for the one who is leading them , makes no mistakes, and that one is Jesus. [Dear Lord Jesus help us this day to be followers, not driven, help us to trust Your leading , to know that You, will lead us the right way. Amen ]

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