verse of the day

Sunday 27 July 2008

Ordianariness. [1 Corinthians 10 v31 ]

There are many super heroes , exciting things, but on the whole life is made up of the ordinary, this was one of my observations while on holiday. I observed people with their families at the seaside, parents building sandcastles with their children, children riding donkeys, people eating candy floss and ice cream [not at the same time ], people playing football, others flying kites. Ordinary people doing ordinary things, lets be honest most of life is made up of ordinary people doing ordinary things. Abe Lincolm said God must have loved ordinary folk, for He made so many of them, let us never forget no matter how ordinary we may be we are special in Gods sight, and let us realise that we can bring God into the ordinary activities and so make them sacred activities. [ Father most of us are ordinary people,we thank you that you love us,and we ask that you will help us , to glorify our Savior even in the ordiananiness of life, Amen .]

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