verse of the day

Thursday 17 July 2008

God is in control [ Revelation 19 v 6. a.v ]

All is not well in the world , there are many problems in the world, mybe there are problems in your life, one could so easily be driven to despair. The word of God reminds us, and we most certaintly do need to be reminded, that God is on the throne, and that He is in control. That does not ignor all the wrong things that are happening, nor does it mean we will not have problems and difficulties to face. What it means is hope, that inspite of all that is going on, somehow we believe God is in control, and all will be well, I will leave you my life verse, Romans 8 v28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. [ Father God sometimes we despair, things appear to be out of control, help us to trust in the truth that you are in control, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen. ]

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