verse of the day

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Repeating oneself.

They say it is a sign of old age, repeating oneself, it may be, but if you think about it, parents do it , teachers do, and surprise , surprise, God does it. I am a Christian of many years, and my experience is this ,God repeats Himself , time after time, to me , it is a fact, that it is necessary . There are a number of reasons for this, life is on going, we are forgetful, we are wayward, we are careless and inclined to wander a way from the right path, we also are inclined to panic , God then speaks again to us ,as our situation requires.A prayer,[ Father you know me through, and through, how forgetful , and careless I am, speak into my life , remind me again of those things I need to hear, in Jesus name, Amen]

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