verse of the day

Thursday 6 December 2007

More jails.

Our goverment is going to build more jails, in spite of all the progress we have we have made, materially , people are better of than ever, in this country. I speak from experience, I remember the pawn shop, going there in my childhood,I remember the hardtimes, yet we live in a prosperity, that to our grandparents would have been inconcievable. Yet we have this statement from the goverment, more jails. Why?, we have a nature that materal prosperity can not change, I love those words in Isaiah 61v1-3 , where Jesus declares, He has come to set free those who are bound, He knows us, He loves us , and saves all who call on Him. A prayer[ Lord from experience I know you are the answer, the only answer, to mankinds condition,use me this day to be your messenger, Amen.]

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