verse of the day

Sunday 6 February 2022

Consequences.( 1 Kings 11 v 1 - 13)

 Suddenly he was no longer strong, he thought he was,but alas his strength was gone,you see all those great feats of strength was accomplished,because God give him the strength.So what happened he had a hair cut,he didn't mean to have it cut,but he would play with fire ,when he fell for a girl  called Delilah. He should have known better but as the saying goes, love is blind,and because of that he became physically blind,and he became  physically weak. Consider that there are things that can weaken us spiritually,like Samson,we get involved with the wrong kind of person or people.The word of God instructs us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness have with unrighteousness?, and what communion hath light with darkness .( 2 Corinthians 6 v 14 ) Most people apply this to believers marrying unbelievers,but  I am sure it can apply to other situations. As we view the history of Israel ,we see time and time again the disastrous consequences  of  them entering into relationships with foreign nations .The greatest example of this was Solomon who was endowed with godly wisdom, and yet acted in such a dangerous way by marrying many heathen wives, he should have known better,but his love for these women blinded him,he ended up worshipping their gods,

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