verse of the day

Friday 18 February 2022

A storm of his own making. ( 1 Samuel 15 v22 )

It is a very stormy day, the wind is exceptionally strong,so far  no damage done,I wonder will there be many more prayers offered up?.I am sure that many people pray who don't usually pray when in difficulties,for many prayer is just for emergencies, I wonder does God answer such prayers?,of course God is not a convenient store,but alas for many that's all He is.I am reminded of a famous prophet,and he was caught up in a storm, his name was Jonah,but it was a storm of his own making,and it was sent by God. He disobeyed God, it is a very serious thing when one disobey's God,as Jonah was going to find out. He was in a boat going in the opposite direction he was suppose to God.He put the other people in the boat in grave danger,sin and that's what disobedience is,it has a ripple effect .Consider the effect of what Adam and Eve did,massive, mind blowing, awful in the extreme.When David sinned,a man and a child died,but he also brought dishonour upon his God  among the nations 2 Samuel 12 v14 AV,and he brought permanent, consequences upon himself,let us all remember ,it is always better to obey God, because if you don't it can be very serious.

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