I read this by Herbert Lockyer as regards not knowing,on a personal level, he is commenting on the words from Psalm 43,the Psalm was written by David who was experiencing real difficulties,he is praying,and he asked God,'why had He rejected him? '.Here are those comments by H.L 'it may appear as if God has rejected us,but we must never mistake our fears for actualities.Permitting mysterious trials to overtake us.God can best expound their design to us.'David throws these desponded thoughts off,he speaks to himself,v 5'Why my soul, are you downcast?Why so disturbed within me?. He was giving himself a good talking too,yes things are bad, but that is not the end of the story, God has not rejected me,so he utters these words,words not just spoken to himself but to all God's children,' Put your hope in God',it has with it a sense of waiting for God to act. These words are written for the child of God ,those who know Christ as Saviour, our relationship with God,means we can have confidence in our God to help us and bring us through our trials. There is a song written by K.L.Suffield ,here are the words.
' God is still on the throne and He will remember His own.
Though Trials may press us,and burdens distress us;
He never will leave us alone,His promise is true He will forsake His own,
God is still on the throne.'