verse of the day

Thursday 2 December 2021

I know so little. ( 1 John 5 v 12 -13 )

 I like watching quiz programmes , on one such program there is a resident team called the eggheads, they  know so much and are rarely beaten. I wonder how they can accumulate such knowledge , and how they remember it, these days  my memory is not what it once was.When I was younger I used to memorize scripture,which  has been a help to me in my ministry. I often admit to the Lord, that I know very little,in comparison to Him,we all know very, very little when it comes to God .I don't know ,the future,no human being does, there is so much to know.And yet I want to qualify that statement, I know when I die I am going to heaven,the fact is, many people don't know that, no Muslim  can know they are going to heaven. Of course if they murder someone like a non- Muslin they think that guarantees them a place in heaven.Even though the word of God tells us that no murderer has eternal life. 1 John 3 v15,of course if seek forgiveness, repenting of their sin and trust Jesus as their Saviour, they will go to heaven.No one will have any assurance that they are going to heaven ,unless they seek forgiveness ,repent of their sins,and trust Jesus as their Saviour. I do not know very much, but as I have already said , I know Jesus as my Saviour and I am going to heaven,here is what Jesus said , ' all who trust in Him ,He gives unto them eternal  life and they shall never perish'. John 10 v 28.

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