verse of the day

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Good and evil. ( Proverbs 14 v 34 )

 John Wesley said something that struck a cord with me,he said,'What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace'.Those words are so true ,we see it in God's word,the history of Israel is that  of doing just that,God raises up a godly leader,and the people appear to follow him, when he died an ungodly leader is crowned and the people follow in his ungodly footsteps.An example is Josiah a very godly man,who sought to lead the people in God's ways,then another ungodly  king  ruled , Jehoahaz ,and he led the people into ungodliness. The good that the nation had followed was forsaken,as they turned to sinful ways.There was a time in which certain practices in this country were not tolerated,but my,how things have changed, for the  people  gladly embrace yesterday's darker side. We read in Isaiah 5 v 20,'Woe to those who call evil  good ,and good evil',unfortunately in so many nations that is the case. The more  secular a nations becomes,the more  they stray from God .This applies to us as individuals, the more we keep distancing ourselves from God, the more we slip into a mind set, that takes no account of  God, and our lives will reflect that. We think we are throwing off the shackles, when in fact we are slowly, becoming more  in bondage to our misguided mind sets. Here is what Proverbs 14 v 12, says,'There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death'.

                                                Christ says follow me and live.

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