verse of the day

Monday 25 February 2019

We have a choice . ( 1 Samuel 15 v 22 )

I like us to consider for a few days, thoughts from the book of Lamentations,a book written by Jeremiah,after the fall and destruction of Jerusalem,by the Babylonian army.One can only imagine the awful suffering that the population  experienced, and it is important to understand why it happened ,the answer is the people for centuries turned from God. The severity of the judgement was in response to their awful  sinful state.the sad thing is this, it need not have happened.Two sad words sum it up, ''if only'', before they had entered the promised land they were told a vital truth, the importance of obedience,obedience would bring  blessing,disobedience would bring severe consequences. CP Deuteronomy often Israel choose to disobey.What applies to Israel applies to us, to obey is not only better than sacrifice, it is safer,and will bring a blessing and not a curse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Are  we living in obedience or disobedience?

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