verse of the day

Saturday 2 February 2019

I am. ( Hebrews 11 v 13 - 16 / 35 - 38 )

The believer is both pilgrim and soldier,the origin of the word pilgrim comes from the Latin and it meant foreign,when the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians at Philippi ,he reminded them that they were citizens of heaven ( 3 v 20 ).Now Philippi was a Roman colony ,which meant that the emphasis was on ,all things Roman, their dress ,laws,even religion was Roman,they did everything befitting a citizen of Rome.In reminding the Christians of their heavenly citizenship he was challenging them to live as citizens of heaven,in all things,to not be conformed to the pattern of this world.As to being a soldier (  CP 2 Timothy 2 v 3 ) ,we are reminded that  it involves discipline,how disciplined are we in our Christian lives,in prayer,bible reading?. It also means obedience,when I was boy soldier I was put on a charge for disobeying and order,I spent the night in the guard house,are we obedient Christian soldiers?.Then it involves a cost,for many in this life, as followers of Christ, the cost is imprisonment ,torture,even death. The old hymn says as regards Christs death on the cross,' love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all'.

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