verse of the day

Monday 26 March 2018

The reality of His faithfulness. ( Psalm 91 )

I was out for my morning walk ,and as I passed a parked car, I read the following words on a sticker in that car,''Life Sucks''. I laughed at those words, and yet I know in a sense they are true, for many today ''Life Sucks''. I was just off the phone ,speaking to a dear Christian friends wife, whose husband is in hospital,do pray for them both. She was crying I sought to assure her of my prayers and love,and when I got off the phone I prayed for them.Earlier in the morning I had read these words, ''The reality of Gods faithfulness'',you see He makes all the difference in all our lives, even when life sucks, He has not forsaken us, I remember the words of that song,''He is a God of the mountains and a God of the valleys,a God of good times and a God of the bad times''.As I look back I can see ,I can remember, the reality of His faithfulness,when my dear first wife died, I felt so lonely,but my faithful God was there,by my side.He is with  my friends  and with you dear child of God, great is His faithfulness.

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