verse of the day

Friday 14 August 2015

The power of the Gospel. Romans 1 v16]

I was listening recently on a CD ,to a Bible teacher and a colleague talking
about the deterioration within society,in USA,Europe,including England where I live.While I agree with what was being said,it left one feeling a bit down,a no hope situation.Do you feel that way?as you look at this world,
especially in the West,secularism ,materialism,atheism,appear the dominate
forces.But let us just draw back from this ,and let us look up,to a sovereign
God,is He  not able to break into lives,is He not able to turn nations,as well as individuals,to Himself?.The early church faced a far more daunting task
than the church faces today,but Jesus said He would build His church,and he is continuing to do so.In the 18th century unbelief was becoming
fashionable and many of the clergy preached little more than a barren moralism ,so writes Tony Lane.In the midst of that,God raised up John and Charles Wesley,and George Whitefield,and they preached the gospel,and
multitude got saved. The word of God tells us that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes[Roman 1 v16]. Jesus will
build His church,so let us be faithful to that old but ever new gospel,and let
us not despair.
                                                A  prayer.
Dear God we lift our hearts and voices to You,and ask that you in mercy
will turn sinners to Jesus your Son, Amen.

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