verse of the day

Sunday 2 August 2015

Covenant love. [Psalm 136]

In Psalm 136 we have a line that is repeated through out the Psalm,the AV has ,/For His mercy endureth for ever/,other translations have,/His love endures for ever/.The word mercy Plummer points out is often rendered ,
loving kindness,goodness,favour.I suppose if God was not loving there would be no mercy,but because He is loving we receive mercy.These words
are used as response to what God has done,the writer stresses,Gods creation,
redemption,provision.Modern man does not acknowledge God in any of these things mentioned,instead of creation we have evolution,instead of redemption we have superman,or some fictional character,and a denial of
mankinds need of redemption,and as to Gods provision,when is the last time you heard an unbeliever acknowledging God.In a well know movie one of the characters thanks God for deliverance,an other character,rather points to the rifles that had done the trick.What a sad surprise they will have one day,but those of us who by Gods grace and mercy ,can lift up our hearts ,and voice praise Him,M  Wilcock,stresses the covenant love of God,
he writes,/That love is both indestructible,and boundless,because it endures for ever.As you look around at all that He has made,and follow through all
that He has done,at every point of the Psalm is saying,Covenant love did this/
                                              A prayer.
Dear God we give thanks to You for your covenant love to your children,in Jesus name Amen.

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