verse of the day

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Who knows. [ 1 Samuel 1-2 ]

In 1 Samuel 2 we have Hannah praying ,it is a most wonderful prayer,it came as a response to a prayer  that been being answered,Hannah was a woman of faith ,her faith must have been tested as faith will be.She was despised by her husbands other wife,and she was misunderstood by Gods high priest,but  she heard Gods voice, and believed.She named her son Samuel in honour of Gods faithfulness in answering her prayer,Samuel's name means asked of God.When she prayed for a child she had made a vow ,that if God would answer her prayer for child a son she would give him back to the Lord.Consider the challenge in that vow,so many people make vows or promises to God and don't keep them, ,but Hannah meant what she prayed,and kept her word.But she did not loose out, we often hold back in obeying God,feeling we will loose out, but God is no mans, or woman's debtor,they that honour Him ,He will honour them[ 1 Samuel 2 v30 ], God granted her five more children [1 Samuel 2 v21],God we are told will do exceedingly more abundantly than we can ask or think[Ephesians 3 v21].He did not only deliver Joseph from prison,but he made Prime minister,with power and authority.and when God answered Hannahs prayer for a son,He not only gave her a Son,but a son who would be a prophet.Who knows will happen when we pray,who knows what will happen when we obey,but we can be assured God will respond.
A  prayer....../Dear God help us to pray,in our difficulties,help us when we make You a promise to keep it,let us not be ruled by fear, but by  faith in Jesus name we ask this Amen /

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