verse of the day

Friday 5 April 2013

Pray, pray, pray. [ 1 Thessalonians 5 v 17]

I read these three words yesterday,/Pray,pray, pray/, in Luke 2 v36ff we read of a prophetess Anna who served the Lord with fastings and prayers night and day.She reminds me of a widow woman I knew called Rose,Rose never got out much ,but she prayed continually.We all need to be like these two women,we need to pray,pray,pray,I suppose I consider myself a man of prayer,and yet I know I need to pray more,we cannot slacken in this vital service.There is so much to pray about ,the need is great,the time is short,our needs and the needs of others are ever there.We are not talking about a shopping list mentality,though I do not like that term,we are talking of meeting with God,think about those words ,meeting with God.The God who loves us,with a sacrificial love,whose children we are,and delights when we pray,and listens intently to what we have to say,who assures us that as a Father, He desires to bless us and help us.Unfortunately we often have to experience difficulties before we seek Him,I realise that it is easy to be critical of others,to judge others.,because of there lack of prayer.In Psalm 103 v13-14 we read,/Like as a father pitieth his children,so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame,He remembereth that we are dust/.This word is not written to judge you but to encourage us all to pray,pray ,pray.
A prayer  ...../Dear God and Father are hearts are full of desire,we hunger and thirst for so many  things,grant us all the grace to love Thee more,and to  seek You continually,in Jesus name Amen /

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