verse of the day

Monday 29 April 2013

Being judgemental. [Matthew 7 v1 ff]

Our Saviour taught us not to judge others CP  Matthew 7v1ff,there are a number of reasons for that,so often we do not know the whole story.Next we have not walked in their shoes ,have I suffered abuse? no,but I know those who have,have I experienced poverty?,and so we could go on,no I have not walked in their shoes.The church is called to offer healing, not stoning,not severity but mercy,to minister grace, not judgement.The forces of law and order are there to carry out justice, they are ordained of God for that purpose [Romans 13 vff],if they abuse that power then they must be challenged.Thankfully we can do this in a democracy,many are not so fortunate,we need to pray for those who are suffering injustice ,at the hands of of the forces of law and order. As to ourselves we must remember if we judge someone, we need not be surprised if we find that the tables are turned on us ,CP /Judges 1 v 7/ William Barclay wrote the following,/There is hardly anyone who has not been guilty of some grave misjudgement,there is hardly anyone who has not suffered from someone else's misjudgement. And yet the strange fact is that there is hardly any commandment of Jesus which is more consistently broken, and neglected/
A  prayer..../ Dear God grant the heart of our Saviour, who did not come to condemn the world,who showed mercy and forgiveness to the fallen and undeserving,we ask this in His name Amen/

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